Get The Medical Care You Need: Intravenous Infusion Therapy

Do you know someone who struggles with pain management on a regular basis? Or maybe you yourself are suffering from a condition that requires medication and therapy. Infusion therapy is a form of medical care that involves the use of an intravenous line to deliver nutrition and medications to the body. The intravenous line, or IV, is generally placed into your arm or hand; however, if a vein is not present, the IV may be placed elsewhere. Infusion therapy is beneficial for patients because it allows them to remain at home or participating in their life and decreases the time spent in medical centers, hospitals, and clinics.

How Does Infusion Therapy Work?

If you are in need of medication related to a specific medical condition, infusion therapy is performed by mixing together a sterile saline bag and the medication. The IV is placed into your vein and a drip is started to deliver the medicine to your body.

Before the drip begins, your healthcare professional will want to get your height, weight, and allergy history. Your height and weight will determine how much medication needs to be added to the saline bag.

Your doctor will set the drip to last a certain amount of time and your treatment can be as fast as 30 minutes or you may be in the office for a few hours. Throughout your infusion therapy treatment, your healthcare professional will keep an eye on your vitals and note any spikes or drops in your heart rate or blood pressure.

Types of Treatments

Infusion therapy is used for a number of different medical conditions and it is also used to deliver nutrition and medication to a person who is in need of it. Some of the treatments include:

  • Arthritis
  • Chemotherapy
  • Nutrition
  • Medication
  • Migraine management
  • Fluids

Is Infusion Therapy Right for You

Infusion therapy is often relied on heavily in the hospital, especially when you are admitted for a medical condition. Other times, therapy is required when you are undergoing procedures, have a health condition, or become sick quickly. If you require infusion therapy, your doctor will discuss it with you. The number of treatments you need will depend on your condition as well. For instance, if you need infusion therapy because you are dehydrated, you may only need one treatment, but if you need the IV therapy for arthritis, it may be an ongoing thing.

To learn more about infusion therapy, contact a clinic like Idaho Arthritis Center 
