You already know that the pediatrician helps your child to feel better when she's sick and keeps her health through well visits. But, what else can the pediatric doctor do? Check out these not-so-obvious services that pediatric doctors offer!
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends a set schedule of immunizations, beginning at birth and continuing through early adulthood. These include vaccines for illnesses such as Hepatitis A and B, the mumps, measles, rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, pneumonia and rubella.
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Milk allergies are very common. Many people suffer from some sort of discomfort from exposure to milk, whether mild or severe. This is why it is so important that parents know what to look for in their children so they can catch a milk allergy or intolerance early. Here are some things that you need to know.
Anaphylaxis and Milk
If your child has a severe allergy to milk they may respond with severe anaphylaxis.
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If you suffered from seasonal nasal allergies, food allergies, or tactile allergies as a child, you may have found that your reactions to certain allergens are largely outgrown with age, while your body's reaction to other substances only intensifies. Because the treatment and management of allergies is a multi-billion dollar industry, it can be difficult to sort through the masses of information at your disposal, and effective remedies may slip through the cracks.
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Do you know someone who struggles with pain management on a regular basis? Or maybe you yourself are suffering from a condition that requires medication and therapy.Infusion therapy is a form of medical care that involves the use of an intravenous line to deliver nutrition and medications to the body. The intravenous line, or IV, is generally placed into your arm or hand; however, if a vein is not present, the IV may be placed elsewhere.
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Palliative care used to be a part of hospice and only for those who were terminally ill. Now it has become a collaborative effort of the entire medical team for any patient with a serious illness which affects their quality of life. For systemic lupus sufferers, physical therapy is a big part of the picture.
Why Do Lupus Patients Need Physical Therapy?
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) attacks every system in the body.
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