Why Does Alcohol Give Me A Hangover?

There are several effects that alcohol has on the body that can produce undesirable symptoms. These symptoms are often referred to as a hangover. While looking for a treatment for a hangover, an IV hydration is often the best option. Dehydration One of the primary reasons for a hangover is dehydration. This is coupled with an electrolyte imbalance. The consumption of alcohol leads to an increase in urine production. When you are dehydrated, this can lead to lightheadedness, dizziness, dryness of the mucous membranes, weakness, and thirst. Read More 

Tips For Preventing Eye Problems

Protecting your eyes should be a top priority. Fortunately, there are many ways that you can go about protecting your eyes so that you can prevent problems before they start. There are some basic things you can do that will help you to enjoy better vision for longer. Here is a look at some of them so that you can protect your eyes and decrease the risk of problems occurring. Read More 

2 Habits That May Increase Your Chances Of Getting A Vaginal Yeast Infection

If you have noticed that you are having an increase in the number of vaginal yeast infections, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to prevent them. However, just as important as knowing what preventative measures to take, you should also make sure you avoid certain habits that may increase your risk of infection. 1. Using Douche Too Often Especially after your period or intercourse, you may feel as though you need to freshen up right away by douching. Read More 

Back Pain Unrelated To Musculoskeletal Problems

If you experience back pain, then you may believe that it is the result of overuse, a pulled or strained muscle, or a sprain. While these are some of the most common causes of back pain, there are other causes that are unrelated to musculoskeletal problems. Here are some causes of back pain that are not linked to muscle or bone problems and what you can do about them.  Renal Problems Read More 

3 Ways To Improve Your High Blood Pressure

If you've recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor may have handed you a list of changes to make along with your prescription for a new medication. Here's a breakdown of the major lifestyle adjustments needed. Start Eating Better Many people have spent their lives indulging in the typical American diet. Cheeseburgers, steaks, fast-food restaurants, and processed foods have become the norm in many families. Unfortunately, this diet has had a profound effect on the overall health and wellness for many in society. Read More