Looking For Answers For Your Child’s GI Problems? What To Do

If you have a child that is constantly having stomach problems and you worry that they have some type of gastroenterological disease, there are some things you want to do to get to the bottom of the problem. You want to take them to see a medical specialist that can help treat the problem, and you want to find out what's going on to get your child out of pain. Here are a few of the specialists and medical techniques that can help you get answers for your child. Read More 

3 Common Hemorrhoid Myths - Debunked

You may eat well-balanced meals, exercise regularly, and see your doctor and dentist for periodic checkups to help you live a healthy lifestyle. However, certain issues may still arise even when following recommendations from your doctor. Although most common in adults between the ages of 45 and 65, hemorrhoids can develop in patients of all ages and genders. These swollen veins in or around the anus and rectum may be common, but most people are too embarrassed to talk about the problem. Read More 

Waiting To Have Children? Visit An Infertility Center Now

If you are one of the many couples who have decided to wait to start a family, it would be in your best interest to make an appointment at an infertility center as soon as you make this decision. Not only will this give you a better idea of what happens when you put off children until your 30s or 40s, it will also prepare you for the different ways to help you conceive should there be problems. Read More 

4 Tips For Helping A Child With ADD

Parenting a child with attention deficit disorder (ADD) can bring all sorts of challenges. It is more difficult for your child to focus and concentrate, so he may not do as well in school or he might forget to complete his chores around the house. However, if you use a few different techniques, you can make things easier for both you and your kid. Here are four helpful tips for helping a child with ADD: Read More 

Retail Health Clinics Vs. Urgent Care: Four Things To Consider

If you've ever gotten injured or become sick enough to contact your doctor but you've found your doctor's office swamped for the day and unable to see you, you know waiting can sometimes be more than uncomfortable. A number of options have sprung up to help you get medical attention in these situations, but they're not all the same. Here are four considerations that can point you toward whether or not to go to retail clinics or an urgent care center. Read More